Why is it important for a student to deal with uncertain time?

We all know that Newton discovered Gravity while in Quarantine. So, how is the Coronavirus pandemic any different? It is not. We all will agree that no matter how much we prepare for a situation like this, we can never be prepared enough to accept it when it comes. The sheer suddenness of the event makes it quite difficult to believe. When the pandemic was announced, as a premier educational institution, we could infer that this is going to stay for long but the little glimmer of hope that things will get better soon kept us stretching for a while. Then eventually online classes happened and following social distancing norms, we also started a few activities for our staff on our premises. But where will it leave us when it all ends? In our opinion, it leaves us with a lesson. A lesson that as harbingers of change, we should always accept changes too. As students, it is even more important to learn to deal with uncertain times because believe it or not this is what will make you stronger and help you become a more successful person.

 Dealing with an uncertain time makes students:

1. Analytical- Uncertain times teach you to draw logical conclusions out of things. A lot of thinking goes when you are coping up with something unusual. This skill helps you take better decisions in the future as well.

2. Empathetic- Seeing the suffering of others makes us empathetic. This is very important when it comes to leadership. A good leader is someone who understands the personal and professional problems that are hindering the growth of his/her team. When you feel the problems of others, you find unique ways to solve it.

3. More Focused- Now that you know time is crucial, that absurdity can any day replace regularity and become the new regular, and as a result, you are more focused.

4. Knowledgeable- When we are all at home and we all have a little extra time. If we choose to spend it on books, webinars, podcasts, we will gain more. Now is the time to read and reread and then read some more.

5. Experiment- Whether or not the successful people mentioned above could have done it had it not been for a plague, is debatable. The fact that goes behind this is, when people are alone and stuck somewhere, they tend to observe more. The obviousness of things fade and a questioning nature is developed. Naturally, one begins to experiment a lot. This is the time when students turn into geniuses.


Dealing with uncertain times teaches us to be more humble and kind. It is the time of a crisis when a person gets a rude awakening and works on himself/herself. At Sanskriti University, we have always encouraged students to attend our webinars and we have seen their growth. Our students did not stop their learning in the lockdown. What followed was those becoming better learners and contributing towards making Sanskriti University, one of the Best Universities in India.


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