Our Students & Faculty Research Results In About 100 Patents, 1000+ Articles & Papers In Scopus Journals

To many students, research carried out by academic institutions might seem pointless or disconnected from their educational experience. But, the fact is it can have a considerable impact on people's lives, even if they don't realise it. Today we live in a globalised world. Research at the university level is crucial for its sustainability and development, and it is imperative to have knowledge-driven growth based on discovery and innovation. The advancement of science via experiential research in a vast and diverse country like India helps the nation evolve as a knowledge reservoir in the international arena.


 Active participation by students and faculty in conducting research

 Students are an integral part of university research. Studies show that students who participate actively are twice as likely to lead the next generation of scientists, engineers, teachers, and leaders in government and industry. Thus, a cornerstone of the Sanskriti experience is it's progressive Doctoral Degree programs that enrich students' learning through innovation, experimentation and analysis. Approximately <ADD PERCENTAGE OR NUMBER> of its students participate in academic research or independent creative projects with the support and mentorship of faculty members. They can choose either a full-time course or combine their research studies with part-time employment. They take full advantage of state-of-the-art laboratory facilities to research in various disciplines of Engineering, Sciences, Education and Agriculture. The university's fully equipped labs help students to experiment and practice the theoretical learning they have acquired in classrooms. Their hard work translates to valuable information that gets published in world-renowned publications and benefits the country.

 On the other side, more than 300+ Academicians drawn from industry and academia form the intellectual capital of Sanskriti. Faculty members participate actively in academic research to mentor students and gain valuable insights into their respective disciplines. They are encouraged to pursue research by publishing their papers in various scientific journals & presenting at multiple seminars. Their methods and techniques lay the groundwork for further study and set the bar for students. The faculty at Sanskriti University is passionate about student's success and cares deeply about their work. Their commitment to quality and oversight of student research encourages everyone to strive harder.


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