Top Ranking Universities in India

 Gone are the days when college education used to be defined by rote teaching and tons of homework. Such techniques have become outdated in today's fast-changing times. When it comes to imparting knowledge to college students, it is important to make things exciting with interactive activities. Incorporating intellectual stimulation into your daily teaching offers a simple way to motivate students and encourage them to draw on their creativity and imagination.

 The top ranking universities in India, including Sanskriti, use a wide range of teaching methodologies, both in class and outside, to provide students with holistic education experience. Come, let's take a look at what these activities are.


One of the oldest forms of teaching, classroom lectures provide students with critical information, or explanation or ideas, that they may be tested on. Whether online or in-person, lectures are essential in that they act as a starting point for teaching. Students read in more detail on specific aspects of a topic or issue after being covered in a lecture.

 Group Discussions (GD)

Discussing a topic with friends or classmates in a group helps in understanding a topic entirely. Group discussion on an issue involves sharing of learning, which equally benefits all the participants. This is one of the favorite methods used at top ranking universities in India because it helps teachers as well. As GD requires every student to participate, instructors can find out which students lack a proper grasp of the fundamentals.

 One-on-one questionnaire

Composing specific questions to ask students (or they might ask) enables teachers to increase student participation and encourage active learning. It also helps them understand the class setting, the factors that influence student learning & behavior and helps evaluate their teaching style.


Simulations and role-play are forms of experiential learning where students assume a profile of a character or personality, and participate in diverse learning scenarios. Such classroom activities are essential in today's times. They alter the power ratios in teaching and learning relationships between students and teachers, as students learn through their explorations and the viewpoints of the character or personality they are articulating in the environment.


Here's another favorite classroom teaching method that is utilized heavily by the top ranking universities in India. Debates have provided generations of students with tremendous academic benefits that are an outcome of training in persuasion, rhetoric, argument, and organized communication. Debates help students in expressing their views persuasively and respond cogently to arguments with which they disagree.

 Case Studies

Case study, as an educational method, allows a student to understand why and how to investigate questions. There are different formats of case studies ranging from simple questions to a detailed description of situations by accompanying the data analysis. But no matter the type, a case study helps students connect theoretical concepts with real-life situations that could potentially occur in one's career. Thus, case studies provide early exposure to the industry.

What makes the top ranking universities in India, including Sanskriti University, embrace these pedagogical methods is that they are entertaining ways to engage college students in academic learning, without them even realizing. And you know what they say - the best way to learn is by having fun.

 If you are interested in broadening your knowledge in such exciting ways, do take a closer look at Sanskriti University. It has left no stone unturned to ensure students receive a well-rounded college experience.


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