Tips for students- How to prepare for Online Internships

Never did we think that there will come a day when the ’hands-on experience’ of a job will become a virtual experience. This is of course, different from the ‘work-from-home’ opportunities that have always been there for college students, freelancers etc. For success, one must be ready to adapt and accept all the challenges that the universe throws at us. That is dear readers, real growth. Now, the problem is, as students, we do know that we have to brave the storm but we don’t know how. Sanskriti Univerity, one of the top University in India, recognizes the responsibility to guide its students towards doing the right thing while keeping their educational needs in mind. One such educational need or rather a necessity is an Internship or as we call it now, Online Internship. It is scary to imagine an interview where everything is through a screen. But it is the reality of the situation and as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. So, take out your notepads and jot it down. Let the experts guide you through.


Essential Tips for Online Interview


1. Be Punctual - What we need to remember is that only the mode of communication has changed for a little while, the ethics remain the same. Students must log in and join the interview on time to give a good and positive first impression to the recruiter. The students must make sure that they don’t make their employer wait. During the course of the internship, students must also maintain this habit. There are several things that a virtual internship has altered. Punctuality isn’t one of them. It is still very much important to show up on time.

2. Take Notes- This is the time when your employer won’t be there to help you out the moment you need them. Chances are that mostly they will be ‘Busy on Another Call’. Students must remember to take notes and put forward all their questions when the meeting is being conducted. It will not be practically possible for your mentors to revert to you or explain everything whenever you need them. Your habit of jotting things down will also help them realize that you take their time seriously.

3. Sharpen your Communication Skills- Your words are going to be your best friend once your virtual internship starts. You are advised to go through your old vocab books and learn some new words and phrases. You should also practice the art of fluency. This helps you save yourself from the miscommunications that can happen during your internship.

4. Read the ‘About’ Section over and over- As the physical space is not there anymore, it is advisable to read up all about your future company. Reading is an important part of Education. A well-read person gives a vibe of a well-educated person.


Preparing for an online internship is not that difficult if student knows the right tips to crack it. A successful internship often results in an exciting job opportunity. Don’t let yourself take things lightly only because it's virtual. Take it even more seriously and watch the opportunities unfold before you. Be a winner! 


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