Divyang school- A social responsibility initiative to provide free education to special children.

Each child is unique therefore, their education should be as well. Education is the mould that shapes the future of a child and it should not matter if the child is differently-abled, for him to get the quality education that he has the right-to and deserves. Every child is special in their way and if a child has a genetic inability why should it become a hindrance in his education and take a blow on his future, at Sanskriti University, there is no discrimination between children and we have a school for the education of differently-abled students. Education is a tool that can be used to transform, dis-ability to ability. We believe that children should not suffer due to something that happened to them through no fault of their own. We motivate the children and make them accept the fact that just because they are differently-abled does not mean they are not good enough. As the distinguished professor of mathematics, Mr Stephen Hawking once said, “My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on the things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically”. Not only is this what he proved with his life but also something that we truly swear by. All children are alike at Sanskriti University, differentiating between them is a sin we do not commit. Learn with us and let us guide you to a brighter tomorrow, where everyone is equal in all aspects. To ensure the growth of our society, we must ensure the education of all.

Divyang school is a social responsibility initiative that truly represents our view towards children and how every child deserves an impartial opportunity. Sanskriti University aims at providing education barring no child, enrol your child in with us today for his vivacious future tomorrow. With our world-class infrastructure, we give children opportunities they have coming and our extremely well-educated staff is there at each step to help them take each challenge in their stride. In the end, we must remember that children mould the future and we can help mould them into confident and outstanding human beings.


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