About Aurobindo Society- Course On Indian culture in Collaboration.

True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are, it is what you become”- Sri Aurobindo


In our journey of imparting education and creating a world of informed citizens, the first thing that we do is teach them the meaning of true knowledge. We teach them the intricacies of the self first in order to align it with the flow of the world. This delicate process is facilitated by our able educators who practice before they preach. When we discuss knowledge of self and self-discovery, one cannot help but think about the Indian Scholars and thinkers who advocated this on international levels. So much, that today the world is enjoying the fruits of their hard work. One such Society, Is Sri Aurobindo Society. A global, not-for-profit NGO whose mission is to create a happier world.

 We collaborated with Sri Aurobindo Society to offer certificate, diploma and UG & PG degree programmes in Vedic Sciences and Indian Culture. Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) helped our facilitators in the process of curriculum development, academic delivery, research, exchange programmes and other allied areas. We have collaborated on this unique project because we believe that through this, new paths will unfold for our students. The Indian Culture is rich and our heritage is sacred. To know more about ourselves, we must look deep into our roots. The program will not only help Indian students know their culture better, but it will also help International students broaden their horizons and indulge themselves in a culturally rich and diverse world. Our International students have shown deep interest in knowing more about the Indian Culture and Values and so we have decided to incorporate such a course in our curriculum. Our Faculty members got specialized training at Pondicherry. This gave them a chance to discover the rich culture and explore the meanings behind our traditions and values.

In all our endeavours we try to spread the messages deeply rooted in our culture and tradition. We try to echo the words of the scholars who combined the process of self-discovery and knowledge to help the students get a perspective on life and prosper.  It is a beautiful course designed to provide a profound knowledge of Indian culture and traditions.

Apart from spreading knowledge and making students more aware, this helps them develop a holistic approach towards learning.

We are very proud that we have included such a course in our curriculum. Our students have responded very well to it. We hope that including such a unique course will help both the University and students flourish! Long live the spirit of true knowledge!


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